Overnight Chia seed berries pudding
This has to be one of the most straightforward recipes out there. Chia seed pudding is so easy to make, and versatile with topping pairings. I’ve been pouring it on everything I can since I got my hands on the Lindt runny hazelnut chocolate sauce. Back to the chia seed pudding, depending on your container. Pour enough seeds at 1% of your container. Any liquid you add will make the chia seed grow. I used Minor Figures oat milk in my pudding, filling the liquid until it just goes over the chia seeds. Please leave it in the fridge overnight, top it with raspberries, and blueberries then drizzle that chocolate sauce on.
Overnight Chia berries recipe
- 1 chia seeds
- berries
pour a handful of chia seeds
pour your choosen milk
leave overnight
top with berries and chocolate sauce