Martin Edgerton Gill first came out with the world first blue gin, being such a huge success he went on to create the world’s first pink gin. First launched in 2011, distilled in London, created with fifteen different exotic botanical ingredients including pomegranate.
With valentines day around the corner, why not add a spot of pink to your romantic day/night or even better head down to Radio Rooftop bar for drinks. Edgerton Gin invited me down along to Radio Rooftop bar, to enjoy three different rose tinted cocktails.
Radio Rooftop resides above ME hotel over in Somerset House, even on cold winter nights hitting minus degrees the heaters outdoors will keep you warm. Giving you stunning views of London.
The three cocktails I tried on the night are gin and pomegranate, French 69, and the Edgerton negroni. The edgerton gin has tasting notes of citrus, spice, fruity-floral and sweet notes.
Edgerton original pink gin is available to purchase from department stores from £24.99.